Dolmuş for Dummies

Dol • muş
Their name is derived from the Turkish word for ‘seemingly stuffed’ referencing to the fact that in days past, these taxis were often filled to the brim. They depart from the terminal only when a sufficient number of passengers have boarded.
A foreign passenger described the ride as being ‘terrifying, awe-inspiring, confusing, incomprehensible, charming, hospitable and alien’, and those unfamiliar with them may be surprised by the speed of dolmuş travel.
Once you’re familiar with the dolmuş, you’ll love it. Besides that it’s the easiest way to get in and out of Koç. To help you, we've set up a short guide
Step 1: Stopping To stop a dolmuş, simply wave your hand. Show the driver you want to get in. You can also go to a dolmuş station, like the one next to the bus stop on Main Campus.

Step 2: Destination Unknown You can expect the dolmuş to come every 10 minutes or so. If you’re not sure if you’re in the right one, simply ask the driver or a passenger by saying: ‘(your destination) gidiyor musun?’. You will either hear ‘evet’ (yes) or ‘hayır…’ (no…)

Step 3: Paying If you don’t know the price, ask the driver by saying: ‘(your destination) ne kadar?’ But you can usually expect something between 1,5 and 2,5 TL. If you’re lucky enough to have a seat, simply tap the shoulder of the person in front of you. Give the money, and say where you want to go. The other passenger will pass the money either to the passenger in front of him or directly to the driver. Your change will come back to you.

Step 4: Politeness If there aren't any seats on the dolmuş, it is seen as polite for young people to give their seats to an older adult without a seat. Although I personally think this is the same anywhere else in the world.

Step 5: Getting out
There is no such thing as a stop button. So you have to tell the driver when you want to get out. Simply shout ‘Inecek var! (een-eh-jehk vahr!) which means ‘someone wants to get out’. You can also say ‘Müsait bir yerde’ (moo-site beer yeahr-deh) which means ‘at a permitted place’.That's all there is to it. Now hold on tide and enjoy the ride!