5 Things You Needed to Know About Turkish People
Every culture has its own treasures and customs. Moreover, every person is a part of her culture, therefore an action which is totally okay for you is a rude for another person. This is a short guideline about Turkish people and their inner world. Let's begin!!

Turkish people are emotional rather than rational. They are generally attached with their national, cultural or religious identity. Therefore, I suggest to avoid criticism of sensitive political and religious issues. Since they are emotional, they can offend easily and think that you are acting disrespectfully.

Turkish people love guests! If you go to house of your friends, you will see that they or their family try to feed you as much as possible! Do not reject their foods, because it is accepted as a shame to reject food offer, but if you feel very full, state it kindly. They will also try to make you comfortable after food.
Sometimes when you go to outside, your friends can offer to pay the bill. It is not surprising, because generally the guests do not pay the bills. But since everybody is student, maybe they can offer to pay your food or coffee in special times (in your birthday, your last day or in first day in Turkey).

Turkish people are very friendly. They like to make group activities and keep in touch. At first, you can feel like that your personal space is violated, but you should understand that their intention is not to disturb you. Actually, they think that since you are a foreigner, you maybe feel alone so they try to make you feel as part of the group.

Turkish people are modern but also attached their traditions. They follow generally unwritten rules of society. For instance, it is disrespectful to make sexual jokes to women or in the public.There are a lot of small details, which is accepted as direspectful in Turkish culture.

Although they are traditional, Turkish people loves sarcasm! They can make jokes about everything except sensitive issues. Daily life and some part of politics are treasures for jokes. They can send you funny daily caps or photos which make you laugh!