Sometimes we do not go out the university for a long time. To prevent this case please track the last time you go out. Since most of the places are quite far and hard to get from the university and the university itself is quite satisfying you may not want to go out. However, do not forget that this is not the reason why you chose Koc University, so no matter what go out and explore new places. There are so many different spots close to Koc University if you wanna have a breakfast outside of the campus such as Koc Balik and Garipce.

This is the view of Garipce. You can see the one part of the city from Garipce. This is pretty amazing.
Life in the dorm is not that bad. However, we may lose in our ordinary life so much that we may miss different opportunities we have.
Please do not miss living the life because it is worth it!