Science Po From Defne

About accommodation, does the university have any dorms for students or do students have to find accommodation on their own? If the university has the accomodation opportunity for students, is it easy to get into the dorms? If the student has to find on his/her own, is there any easy way to search it such as site, application or anything else.
The school provided and I believe monitored a page on Facebook, on which students could post places to live, but the school was not accountable for any interactions afterward, did not take any responsibility for any problems that might arise, especially in the case of subletting. I researched dorms through my acquaintances, who lived in Paris.
For students, in order to have no problem while they are going to university, which places would you recommend them to find room?
The subway system in Paris is very extensive, so as long as it’s in the city limits, I think a student would have no trouble by the commute.
According to classes in Koç University, do you think the university you went was harder or not? How many courses you recommend them to take to prevent any difficulty?
The classes at Sciences Po Paris demanded more from students. Almost all of my classes had a midterm, a final, at least 1 presentation, required attendance and participation. The school had a policy which stated that after three absences, the student is automatically withdrawn from the course. I wouldn’t call classes and their level harder than the ones at Koç, but they certainly demanded more effort and time on the students’ part.
Do you think the campus utilities were satisfied? Why?
There wasn’t a campus, there were several buildings scattered around the Saint Germain arrondisement. I, along with many other students barely spent any time at campus, as the school is located in the middle of Paris. I wouldn’t call the campus utilities unsatisfactory, they were simply uninteresting.
As a student who live in the city that the university is located, how is the life around the city?
Life in Paris is definitely very expensive, and I wouldn’t call it an ideal city for students, but the city itself is so beautiful and full of art and activities.
What do you think about students clubs? Did you join any of them? Which one is your favorite?
I didn’t.
Could you tell us about the cafes and dining centers in the university? Did you find any Turkish Restaurant next to the university or in the city?
There was a cafeteria in the main building and vending machines in the others. There are Turkish restaurants in the city, but I haven’t found any around the school campus. There are mostly cafes around the school.
How was the library? Is it easy to find a spot in average day or in the exam week? What kind of utilities has the library? If anyone wants somewhere except the library, what would you recommend them?
It is very hard to find a place to sit at the library, and as I had my own place, I chose to study back at my dorm.
For the courses, do we need to buy books or is it any cheaper way to get it?
No, teachers uploaded the necessary material and readings on google drive, which was accessible through the school mail address.
Is there any bank automat in the campus? What does a student do if they wanna have bank account? Does it necessary? Do locals in the university area mostly use credit card or cash? Is it necessary to bring some cash with us?
I don’t believe there is an automat on campus. I did not have a bank account in Paris, usually used cash that my parents sent me through a Turkish-French joint bank. But in the orientation meeting, the school mentioned some banks that the students could open bank accounts with benefits.