Are you Unhappy? Do you need to talk someone who understands and help you? Meet with KURES
Sometimes everyone goes through some mood changes such as sadness and discourage. It can be happened by many reasons. However, we have...

Be Need a Help for Classes? Meet with KOLT!
Today, I wanna share one of the best utilities in Koc University and it is for FREE! So, let's get started. I wanna share my knowledge as...

Sport Opportunities in Koc University
Hello, today I would like to introduce you our sports center. It is called Semahat Arsel Spor Salonu (right next to the shuttle station)....

Be Fit No Matter What
I saw many friends of mine who get 5 Kilos after a semester. I do not know whether it is on your to-do list. However, if it is not, you...

Give it a Try!
I always thought that I would not be an exchange student you feel homesick. However, it can be happened anyone and everyone. So, if you...

MANY Reasons to Join Events
Generally, I am the person who wants to join every single event. Everyone knows me the first exchange I experienced because I was too...

The University of Queensland
Queensland University St Lucia Campus is huge and situated very near CBD (Central Business District). If you have never studies outside...

Virginia Polytechnic Institution State University
First of all, you should definitely visit Virginia Tech, or Hokies as they refer themselves, in Fall semester. Fall means college...

Kız Kulesi (Maiden's Tower or Leander's Tower)
Kız Kulesi is one of the iconic visual of Istanbul and if there is a historical place in Istanbul, there is always a story behind it! I...

Some may say that it is just a patato but for Turks, it is of course more than that. We do not cook patato and sell it, we add so many...